Section 2 – Definition of “Government” substituted
“Government” means any of the Governments of the
United Kingdom, of the Federation, of any State or Settlement in the
Federation, or of any Dominion, Colony, Protectorate State or territory in
the possession of or under the protection of or held under any mandate or
trusteeship by His Britannic Majesty or the Government of any of His
Britannic Majesty’s Dominion
“Government” means the Government of the Federation
and of any State in the Federation
Section 2 – Definition of “Ruler” substituted
“Ruler” means His Britannic Majesty or any Ruler of
any Malay or other State under the protection of His Britannic Majesty
“Ruler” means the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or the Ruler
or Governor of any State in the Federation
Section 3(1)(c) – words “Malay” and “Settlement”
To bring into hatred or contempt or to excite
disaffection against the administration of justice in the Federation or in any
Malay State or Settlement; or
To bring into hatred or contempt or to excite
disaffection against the administration of justice in the Federation or in any
State; or
Section 3 (1)(d) – words “His Majesty” and words
“Malay” and “Settlement” deleted
To raise discontent or disaffection amongst the
subjects of His Majesty or of the Ruler of any Malay State or amongst the
inhabitants of the Federation or of any Malay State or Settlement; or
To raise discontent or disaffection amongst the
subjects of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or of the Ruler of any Malay State or
amongst the inhabitants of the Federation or of any State; or
Section 6(1) – words “Enactment of the Federated
Malay States or any corresponding provision of law in force in any Malay
State or Settlement” substituted
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
in the Evidence Enactment of the Federated Malay States or any corresponding
provision of law in force in any Malay State or Settlement, no person shall
be convicted of an offence under section 4 of this Ordinance on the
uncorroborated testimony of one witness
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
in the Evidence Ordinance, 1950, no person shall be convicted of an offence
under section 4 of this Ordinance on the uncorroborated testimony of one
Marginal note to Section 6(1) substituted
Evidence F.M.S. Cap. 10
No. 11 of 1950
Federation Of Malaya, No. 14 of 1948
Laws of Malaysia, Act 15, Sedition Act, 1948
Preamble – substituted the word “Ordinance” with the
word “Act”
An Ordinance to provide for the punishment of
An Act to provide for the punishment of sedition
Section 1 – substituted the word “Ordinance’ with
the word “Act”
This Ordinance may be cited as the Sedition
Ordinance, 1948
This Act may be cited as the Sedition Act, 1948
Section 3(1)(b) – substituted the words “by such
Government” with the words “by the Government”
To excite the subjects of any Ruler or the
inhabitants of any territory governed by any Government to attempt to procure
in the territory of such Ruler or governed by such Government, the
alteration, otherwise than by lawful means, of any matter as by law
established; or
To excite the subjects of any Ruler or the
inhabitants of any territory governed by any Government to attempt to procure
in the territory of such Ruler or governed by the Government, the alteration,
otherwise than by lawful means, of any matter as by law established; or
Section 3(1)(c) – substituted the words “the
Federation” with the word “Malaysia”
To bring hatred or contempt or to excite
disaffection against the administration of justice in the Federation or in
any State; or
To bring hatred or contempt or to excite
disaffection against the administration of justice in Malaysia or in any
State; or
Section 3(1)(d) - substituted the words “the
Federation” with the word “Malaysia”
To raise discontent or disaffection amongst the
subjects of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or of the Ruler of any Malay State or
amongst the inhabitants of the Federation or of any State; or
To raise discontent or disaffection amongst the
subjects of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or of the Ruler of any Malay State or
amongst the inhabitants of Malaysia or of any State; or
Section 3(1)(e) - substituted the words “the
Federation” with the word “Malaysia”
To promote feelings of ill-will and hostility
between different races or classes of the population of the Federation
To promote feelings of ill-will and hostility
between different races or classes of the population of Malaysia
Section 3(2) – Made grammatical changes
Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (1) of this
section contained an act, speech, words, publication or other thing shall not
be deemed to be seditious by reason
only that it has tendency -
Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (1) an act,
speech, words, publication or other things shall not be deemed to be
seditious by reason only that it has a tendency -
Section 3(2)(c) - substituted the words “by such
Government” with the words “by the Government”
To persuade the subjects of any Ruler or the
inhabitants of any territory governed by any Government to attempt to procure
by lawful means the alteration of any matter in the territory of such Ruler
or governed by such Government as by law established; or
To persuade the subjects of any Ruler or the
inhabitants of any territory governed by any Government to attempt to procure
by lawful means the alteration of any matter in the territory of such Ruler
or governed by the Government as by law established; or
Section 3(2)(d) - substituted the words “the
Federation” with the word “Malaysia”
To point out, with a view to their removal, any
matters producing or having a tendency to produce feelings of ill-will and
enmity between different races or classes of the population of the Federation
To point out, with a view to their removal, any
matters producing or having a tendency to produce feelings of ill-will and
enmity between different races or classes of the population of Malaysia
Section 3(3) – substituted the word “Ordinance” with
the word “Act”
For the purpose of proving the commission of any
offence against this Ordinance the intention of the person charged at the
time he did or attempted to do or made any preparation to do or conspired
with any person to do any act or uttered any seditious words or printed,
published, sold, offered for sale, distributed, reproduced or imported any
publication or did any other thing shall be deemed to be irrelevant if in
fact such act had, or would, if done, have had, or such words, publication or
thing had, a seditious tendency
For the purpose of proving the commission of any
offence against this Act the intention of the person charged at the time he
did or attempted to do or made any preparation to do or conspired with any
person to do any act or uttered any seditious words or printed, published,
sold, offered for sale, distributed, reproduced or imported any publication
or did any other thing shall be deemed to be irrelevant if in fact such act
had, or would, if done, have had, or such words, publication or thing had, a
seditious tendency
Section 5(1) – Deleted the words “of this Ordinance”
No prosecution for an offence under section 4 of
this Ordinance shall be begun except within six months after the offence is
No prosecution for an offence under section 4 shall
be begun except within six months after the offence is committed
Section 5(2) - Deleted the words “of this Ordinance”
and substituted the words “the Federation” with the word “Malaysia”
No person shall be prosecuted for an offence under
section 4 of this Ordinance without the written consent of the Public
Prosecutor. In such written consent the Public Prosecutor may designate any
Court within the Federation to be the Court of trial.
No person shall be prosecuted for an offence under
section 4 without the written consent of the Public Prosecutor. In such
written consent the Public Prosecutor may designate any Court within the
Malaysia to be the Court of trial.
Section 6(1) – Deleted the figure “1950” and the
words “of this Ordinance”
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
in the Evidence Ordinance, 1950, no person shall be convicted of an offence
under section 4 of this Ordinance on the uncorroborated testimony of one
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
in the Evidence Ordinance, no person shall be convicted of an offence under
section 4 on the uncorroborated testimony of one witness
Section 6(2) – substituted words “paragraph (c) or
paragraph (d) of sub-section (1) of section 4 of this Ordinance” with words
and figures “section 4(1)(c)(d)”
No person shall be convicted of any offence referred
to in paragraph (c) or paragraph (d) of sub-section (1) of section 4 of this
Ordinance if such person proves that the publication in respect of which he
is charged was printed, published, sold, offered for sale, distributed,
reproduced or imported (as the case may be) without his authority, consent
and knowledge, and without any want of due care or caution on his part, or
that he did not now and had no reason to believe that the publication had a
seditious tendency.
No person shall be convicted of any offence referred
to in section 4(1)(c) or (d) if the person proves that the publication in
respect of which he is charged was printed, published, sold, offered for
sale, distributed, reproduced or imported (as the case may be) without his
authority, consent and knowledge, and without any want of due care or caution
on his part, or that he did not now and had no reason to believe that the publication
had a seditious tendency.
Section 7 – added the words “or, in Sabah and
Sarawak, to an administrative officer or to the officer in charge of the
nearest police station”
Any person to whom any seditious publication is sent
without his knowledge or privity shall forth-with as soon as the nature of
its contents has become known to him deliver such publication to the officer
in charge of a police district, and any person who complies with the
provisions of this section shall not be liable to be convicted for having in
his possession such publication:
Any person to whom any seditious publication is sent
without his knowledge or privity shall forth-with as soon as the nature of its
contents has become known to him deliver such publication to the officer in
charge of a police district or, in Sabah and Sarawak, to an administrative
officer or to the officer in charge of the nearest police station, and any
person who complies with the provisions of this section shall not be liable
to be convicted for having in his possession such publication:
Section 9(2) – made grammatical changes
Any person who contravenes an order made under this
section shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be liable to imprisonment of
either description for a term not exceeding three years or to a fine not
exceeding five thousand dollars or to both such imprisonment and fine
Any person who contravenes an order made under this
section shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to
a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three years or to both.
Section 9(3) – substituted the word “Ordinance” with
the word “Act”
Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect the power of
the Court to punish any person contravening an order under this section for
contempt of Court: Provided that no person shall be punished twice for the
same offence
Nothing in this Act shall affect the power of the
Court to punish any person contravening an order under this section for
contempt of Court: Provided that no person shall be punished twice for the
same offence
Section 10(4) – made grammatical changes
Every person on whom a copy of a prohibition order
is served by any police officer shall forthwith deliver to that police
officer every prohibited publication in his possession, power, or control,
and, if he fails to do so, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be
liable to imprisonment of either description for a term not exceeding one
year or to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or to both such
imprisonment and fine.
Every person on whom a copy of a prohibition order
is served by any police officer shall forthwith deliver to that police
officer every prohibited publication in his possession, power, or control,
and, if he fails to do so, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on
conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or both
Section 10(5) – made grammatical changes
Every person to whose knowledge it shall come that a
prohibited publication is in his possession, power, or control shall
forthwith deliver every such publication into the custody of the police, and,
if he fails to do so, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to
imprisonment of either description for a term not exceeding one year or to a
fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or to both such imprisonment and fine
Every person to whose knowledge it shall come that a
prohibited publication is in his possession, power, or control shall
forthwith deliver every such publication into the custody of the police, and,
if he fails to do so, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on
conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both
Section 10(8) – substituted words “Government of the
Federation” with the words “Federal Government”
Every prohibited publication delivered or seized
under this section with respect to which a petition is not filed within the
time aforesaid or which is not ordered to be returned to the owner shall be
deemed to be forfeited to the Government of the Federation
Every prohibited publication delivered or seized
under this section with respect to which a petition is not filed within the
time aforesaid or which is not ordered to be returned to the owner shall be
deemed to be forfeited to the Federal Government
Section 11 – substituted the word “Ordinance” with
the word “Act”
Any police officer not below the rank of Inspector
may arrest without warrant any person found committing or reasonably
suspected of committing or of having committed or of attempting to commit or
of procuring or abetting any person to commit any offence against this
Ordinance, or reasonably suspected of the unlawful possession of any thing
liable to forfeiture thereunder
Any police officer not below the rank of Inspector
may arrest without warrant any person found committing or reasonably
suspected of committing or of having committed or of attempting to commit or
of procuring or abetting any person to commit any offence against this Act,
or reasonably suspected of the unlawful possession of any thing liable to
forfeiture thereunder
Section 12 – repealed
The Ordinance and Enactments set out in the Schedule
to this Ordinance are hereby repealed
Schedule (Section 12) Repeal - repealed
List of Sedition Enactments and Ordinances in the
Federated Malay States, Strait Settlements, Johore, Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan
and Terengganu
Section 3(1) – new paragraph (f) added
A “seditious tendency” is a tendency -
A “seditious tendency” is a tendency –
(f) to question any matter, right, status, position,
privilege, sovereignty or prerogative established or protected by the
provisions of Part III of the Federal Constitution or Article 152, 153, or
181 of the Federal Constitution
Section 3(2)(b) – inserted new phrase after
“constitution as by law”
To point out errors or defects in any Government or
constitution as by law established or in legislation or in the administration
of justice with a view to the remedying of such errors or defects; or
To point out errors or defects in any Government or
constitution as by law (except in respect of any matter, right, status,
position, privilege, sovereignty or prerogative referred to in paragraph (f)
of sub-section (1) otherwise than in relation to the implementation of any
provision relating thereto) established or in legislation or in the administration
of justice with a view to the remedying of such errors or defects; or
Section 3(2) – paragraphs (c) and (d) substituted
with paragraph (c)
(c) to persuade the subjects of any Ruler or the
inhabitants of any territory governed by any Government to attempt to procure
by lawful means the alteration of any matter in the territory of such Ruler
or governed by such Government as by law established; or
(d) to point out, with a view to their removal, any
matters producing or having a tendency to produce feelings of ill-will and
enmity between different races or classes of the population of the
(c) except in respect of any matter, right, status,
position, privilege, sovereignty or prerogative referred to in paragraph (f)
of sub-section (1)-
(i) to persuade the subjects of any Rulers or the
inhabitants of any territory governed
by any Government to attempt to procure by
lawful means the alteration of any matter in the territory of
such Government as by law established;
(ii) to point out, with a view to their removal, any
matters producing or having a tendency
to produce feelings of illwill and enmity
between different races or classes of the population of the Federation,
Section 5 – Deleted sub-section (1) and renumbered sub-section
(2) as sub-section (1)
(1) No prosecution for an offence under Section 4 of
this Ordinance shall be begun except within six months after the offence is
(2) No person shall be prosecuted for an offence
under section 4 of this Ordinance without the written consent of the Public
Prosecutor. In such written consent the Public Prosecutor may designate any
Court within the Federation to be the Court of trial
(1) No person shall be prosecuted for an offence
under section 4 of this Ordinance without the written consent of the Public
Prosecutor. In such written consent the Public Prosecutor may designate any
Court within the Federation to be the Court of trial